
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

When happiness is essential......

Today has been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, as Judith Viorst would say. I sometimes have these days in my line of work, and though the world's problems inspire me to work harder and to be a better person, they also tend to bog me down from the inside out. I suppose the day wasn't that bad, but I sort of feel like I need a hug (from someone I know and not a stranger please). If you've had a similar sort of day, or feel like you might in the near future, please take note of this very interesting site I've found: Their tagline is "good news...served daily" and I feel like there really could be nothing better. If we all read this instead of watching our nightly news then I bet our collective happiness stock would be much higher.

In completely unrelated news, tonight I'll be taking a break from cooking to check out D.B.A Barbecue (, where I've heard from a very reliable source that their sweet potatoe fries are to. die. for.

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