
Thursday, June 24, 2010

donating blood

About every quarter, the American Red Cross sets up shop in one of the large conference rooms in my building to take blood donations. I've been meaning to go since I started working here, but have been in a meeting or out of the office each time. So I have had an excuse not to go haven't had an opportunity to go. I must admit that donating blood is not high on my list of fun things to do. I have an aversion to needles and panic on the inside (and outside?) anytime I am forced to be stuck by one. But I also fully recognize that requiring a blood donation cannot ever be a fun moment in your life, and I cannot at all fathom needing a blood donation and then being told that there is no blood available.

So when I got the email that the friendly ARC folks were coming again, and I saw 6/24 as a gloriously open day, I signed up for the earliest slot possible. In fact, I was the first person in line and was out of there before I knew it. I'm not going to lie and say it was the most thrilling moment of my life, but it wasn't too bad. I got to watch todays CNN headlines on the TV that was set up, and afterwards I even got some juice and cookies! Only two people have commented that I look pale, so things must be all right.

Do you have things on your list that you should do but that you really don't want to do? I always have those nagging lists in the back of my head, so this year I made "donate blood" a new year's resolution. I also added this resolution to a list I have going at the nifty site This site is great, and you can list 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days. They keep track of how many days you have left to complete your tasks, which is great because it makes you accountable to your own life. If you'd like to check out my list, please feel free. I only have 38 things on it right now, but its a work in progress (and you can see that I already checked off 'donate blood').

**This post (and any others that occur midday) are done on my lunch break while I am eating, so no taxpayer money is being wasted on the words written here**

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