
Friday, July 2, 2010

Portobello Mushroom Tapenade Stuffed Bell Peppers

Happy Friday everyone! For this evenings recipe I made a bit of a gamble with my recipe and it really paid off. I've been looking at a tapenade recipe that looked yummy all week, but wasn't sure what to do with it. I decided I'd just throw it in green peppers, bake them and call them dinner. Here's the recipe:

*This tapenade recipe taken from the ever-wonderful The Healthy Hedonist
Portabello Mushroom Tapenade
2 T olive oil
1/2 onion, diced
2 portobello mushrooms, stems removed, cups chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 t ground cumin
2 T tomato paste
2 T soy sauce
3/4 cups walnuts (the recipe caled for them to be toasted, but I skipped that step)
black pepper
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
2 bell peppers

Preheat the oven to 350. Heat the oil in a skillet. Add the onions and mushrooms and saute until softened. Add the garlic, cumin, tomato paste, 1/2 t salt, and soy sauce and black pepper. Saute a few minutes more. Put the mixture in a food processor and add the walnuts. Process until the walnuts are broken up (my food processor didn't do the job, so you may want to chop these before adding them if your food processor is also less than stellar). Mix the parsley in. Stuff the mixture into two bell peppers, and put them on an oiled dish. I cooked mine for 20 minutes, which wasn't long enough to fully soften them up. That was ok with me - I prefer my green pepper a bit raw. I would guess it would take about 30 minutes to soften up the entire pepper, but watch yours so you can take them out when they are just at the perfect doneness.

All of this.....

Will end up in these.....

But first it must be cut up and sauted.....

Put in a food processor and mixed with walnuts and parsley.....

And stuffed and baked......


Wait a minute Dana... You sure do seem to be featuring a lot of vegan recipes. Whats the deal?
You can read all about this temporary diet change right here. Why temporary? Because I love food (hence the blog), so I try not to limit myself too much. Everything in moderation, thats my motto!

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