
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reverb Ten Day 22 - Travel

I'm participating in Reverb 10, a fantastic month-long initiative for reflection. Here I will be responding to one prompt every day.

December 22 – Travel
How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?
2010 was my year of travel, as I mentioned in this post. Travel is one of my favorite things, and I subscribe fully to the theory that the happiest people are those that spend their money on experiences and not things. So spending {a great deal of!} my money on travel this year is something I definitely don't regret. My travels were a healthy mix of family-, friend- and work-related, and I learned so much about myself and the world.

That being said, next year I am craving some home time. Time of not travelling and time of just being. 2010 has made me realize how thoroughly I enjoy my time at home, and I hope to make lots of home time happen in 2011.

Speaking of home, I am very much enjoying my Maine time. One sister is here, and another will be here Christmas Eve. I'm going to go back to trimming the tree, listening to holiday tunes, and swapping stories. I hope you are having a fantastic holiday!

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