
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

travelling, courage, pieces, ice cream

I recently heard that courage is telling the story of who you are with your whole heart.* That really resonated with me... what a hard thing to do - to tell your story with your whole heart. I like to think that this blog is really just a compilation of small pieces of my own truth, and that some day, after many many posts, my story will begin to emerge.

For now, though, I can give you only pieces. Here are my pieces:

I am in DC, working my darndest to get a job up here. If all goes well, I'll be transferred at the beginning of the new year. This is a time of major transition for me, and I feel that DC is a good transition. I have always loved it here. Some people only see the politics and the cynicism, but I think it is beautiful here. The climate is perfect (yay four seasons!), the people are extremely driven, cars are not necessary, and history is accessible and very nearly always free.

I miss home. Last week I was in New York, this week I am in DC. Next week I will spend a couple of days in South Carolina. Work has kept me out of my house and away from my family. This weekend, in addition to finding a home for all of my boxed items and getting lots of sleep, I will relish in being around my loves. I will take Barley to the dog park, have a real in-person conversation with Tom, cook in my own kitchen, breathe in the humid Georgia air.

Remember how I said I like to act like a tourist in my own city? Apparently I'm not the only one with this advice. Gretchen Rubin, number 1 New York Times bestseller, has the same advice. Read on about her resolution to act like a tourist in her hometown.

I have an amazing friend. Her name is Christina, and I got to see her yesterday in Eastern Market (a DC neighborhood). Not only is she fabulous, but she also bought me the most fabulous early birthday gift ever, this book about making homemade ice cream. There is a really cool story associated with this book, and perhaps I'll tell it later, but suffice it to say that Christina and I knew about Jenni's Ice Cream before she franchised herself and before she had a book. So, in honor of turning 29 on Saturday, I declare 29 to be the year of ice cream. I am going to buy an ice cream maker as soon as I get home and then try out the delicious recipes. Riesling Soaked Pear anyone? How about Salty Caramel? And after all of the weight gain that is sure to ensue, maybe 30 will be the year of the marathon or something. Its all about balance, right?

This post makes me fantastically happy. If you know me, you know it is because it is because I dream of owning a farm and tending some sheep. I know that it is my number two purpose in life (after having children). Reading this post makes me tear up. It gives me joy, and happiness, and hope.

"All that said, I am happy. And if a farm is what you want, and you do something (no matter how small) to get there everyday, then you will create it. I know this to be true and I know it from those of you who started reading this blog without land or chickens or cows and now you are running ranches or getting laying hens in your backyards. It is as normal as rain, happiness. You just need to decide it belongs to you and love it with all you've got."
So now I must ask you to do a favor for me. Today. Please, find that thing in your heart that you love. And do it today. "it is as normal as rain, happiness. you just need to decide it belongs to you and love it with all you've got." Love it.
I hope you have an amazing week.

*Heard this on Brene Brown's fantastic TED talk

1 comment:

  1. Dana, you are so delightfully uplifting. I will do my best to love what I am doing today. I just LOVE the quote "It is as normal as rain, happiness,....."
