
Monday, September 19, 2011

well deserved feasts

What a long week! Work, long walks to the dog park in the evenings, night yoga, morning yoga, driving to work, riding the train to work.....

And now the weekend. Time to breathe, relax, and... eat!

I skipped a few meals this week due to an empty fridge and a busy schedule, which is an entirely non-Dana happening. I usually add meals to the day, not take them away.

But what are Saturdays for, if not to make up for what you missed during the week?

Started the day by waking up at 6:45am and made my way north of the city. Tom and I went to Douceur De France in Marietta, an absolutely yummy little French place. We both got the Panini Salmon (2 poached eggs served on smoked salmon, fresh tomato and Hollandaise sauce), which came with hashbrowns "a la Francaise."

Of course there was no way that we could leave without picking something up from the amazing bakery section.

I die.

What did we choose?

Tiramasu, naturally.

This tiramasu is moist, delicate, and flavorful. I'm glad we only got one piece to share, and I'm glad that I don't have the patience to bake desserts.

Next up: Marietta Square Farmers Market, which also happened to coincide this week with the Hubcaps and History Marietta Classic Car Show and the Trash or Treasure Show.

This is my dream car. Mostly because of the color, but also because I can imagine myself driving with the top down, hair blowing in the breeze. You know, like this:

Image from here
From the market: 1/2 pound of arugula, chevre, 5 bars of Nature's Garden homemade soap, a jar of Fig Pine Nut jam from Emily G's Jam of Love and this:

Oh my goodness, I hope the intended recipient is not reading the blog right now, but I have to share how cute this is. Love it. Want your own? Head over to see Claire Dunaway. Uh-oh, just realized she specializes in dog portraits. Maybe Barley needs her own portrait? Nah, I guess we can probably wait awhile on that one.

When we got home we made some Fig-Prosciutto Pizza with Arugula. I have been d.y.i.n.g to make this pizza since I saw it, and used the fig jam and arugula from the farmers market to make it. The fig jam caramelized on the crust, and the mozzarella cheese melted and got brown on top. Oh - heavens yes! After a mini-fiasco that involved melting cheese and fig preserves burning on the bottom of the stove (good excuse to open the doors!), I pulled the pizza out of the oven and added prosciutto, arugula and parmesan. Threw it back in the (turned off) oven and let it all get melty and soft for about a minute.

Thumbs up from me. And thumbs up from Tom too.

Even though I haven't been around my garden for a couple months and had given it up for dead, I ventured to the backyard to check it out. Looky looky! Amid the aphid-infested tomatoes and lackluster oregano, I found some carrots and three tomatoes! Not a good return on the time and money I invested in this garden, but the good outweighs the bad overall.

I never thinned my carrots, which is why they are so squat and little. I'll take them though.

I don't have television in my new house, so I'm spending some time watching football and America's Next Top Model at Tom's while I finish up a long-overdue knitting project.

Knitting, football, and really good food. Not a bad day. No, not at all.

May have had a mimosa.

Or two.

Saturdays. Yes, Saturdays.

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