
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

day to day....

And just when I think I'm ready to breeze through the holidays, BAM - it hits! Suddenly I schedule myself for 10 different things in one evening that aren't feasible at all. Go grocery shopping, make peppermint bark, bake coconut macaroons with chocolate ganache, find the perfect gift for Tom's sister, find the perfect gift for my sister, finish my sewing project, make myself a healthy wholesome dinner, play with my dog, do my laundry, flesh out details of New Year's resolution, go to library to pick up books on CD for my road trip to Maine, and relax.

Screeching halt as brakes are applied.

I bought a few needed ingredients at the grocery store, I made the peppermint bark, bought a gift for my sister (though it is not quite "perfect" so I think I'll return it), said sayonara to the macaroons, threw in load of laundry, made myself spinach spaghetti, and am now making time to relax.

All in all, not a bad day. Good thing I wrote that post last night that was so jolly and relaxed and ho-ho-ho and joyful, because when I was tempted to give in to the pressure to be perfect in all things, I simply closed the door.

I didn't get it all done. I've got more to do. But right now, I think I'll enjoy this fine evening. The neighbors put a string of colorful lights on their house, and I'd rather gaze at them and dream than fuss over some macaroons.

I ended yesterday with a statement of being blessed. And now I echo that same line, when this harried life could very well put me on the other side of calm.

We are so blessed.

That is it. Everything else can wait. Wishing you a lovely lovely Wednesday night.

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