
Monday, January 30, 2012


A run can be quite restorative, can't it? All day I've been quite melancholy, with millions of thoughts swirling around in my brain. When I got home I was blue and the dog was antsy, and we decided that a run was in order.

So, Barley and I ran a mile to the dog park, she played for a little while, and then we ran back. We stopped at the little market in my neighborhood, and picked up a smoothie, a hunk of cheese, and a loaf of bread and then walked the rest of the way home.

Just as we were walking in the door as the sun was dipping down for the night, I realized what a change of mood that run gave me. More than just the physical exercise, I think it was the sense of community that I was missing. At 60 degrees, it seemed that everyone was out and about. People walking their dogs, going for a run, sitting on the front porch and waving to people walking by. I love my little community. We should all be so lucky to have sidewalks to walk down, neighbors to wave to, and a corner market to stop and buy a loaf of bread.

Happy Monday!

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