
Monday, October 17, 2011

Ellijay Apple Festival - 2011

Yesterday we got up early and made the drive up to North Georgia for the Ellijay Apple Festival. You may remember that we did the same thing way back in 2010.

We had fun again this year, even though we didn't try out the corn maze, and even though they didn't have the farm animals (lame! this is by far my favorite section of any fair). In fact, I almost don't need to give you a recap of Apples 2011, since it was so similar to Apples 2010. Except with better hair and without the cute jeans (they got an unmendable tear earlier this year - sniffle).


Yesterday was the perfect fall day - crisp cool morning, lazy drive into North Georgia, slowly changing leaves.... and then the mercury rose to 80 degrees. Sigh, I can't for a moment pretend that I am in New England with these balmy temperatures.

We had a lot of fun eating fried apple pies (Tom), people watching (me), choosing the perfect pumpkin (Tom), getting a New Orleans Sno Ball (me - woot! <-- anyone else love these things?), and eating fried pickles (both of us).

Yes, I know I need to moisturize. Srsly.

Handsome man and fried apple pie
Chainsaw Art in the works

I don't know what this is...but it makes me wish I was 5

Mango Sno Ball - Not as good as NOLA, but close

20 minutes picking out a pumpkin (and asking the attendant for advice)

On the way home we looked at leaves (naturally) and grilled out at a nearby state park. The second half of this post shall henceforth be referred to as: "Burgers, Bananagrams, and Beer"

 I would like to point out that I won our game of Bananagrams:

And that Tom lost:

But it was a close match. Playing Bananagrams in the middle of the woods, next to a river, drinking a beer, waiting for your burger* to be done, is amazing. We were both so quiet focusing on our game, and the peace just kind of settled in around us.

*These weren't ordinary burgers - these were Jalapeno Cream Cheese Burgers. And if you've never made them, you are missing out.

Warm weather, full bellies, fun game, Sunday by the river. Yup, the day was good. The day was mighty, mighty good.

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